I know it’s hard to lose weight. Everything is stacked against you. There’s not enough time to exercise or prepare fresh meals. Everything is go, go, go. I get it. You are just trying to get by each day. But let’s say you could control more of what you buy and eat. How do you think that would make you feel?
If you just eliminate these 3 things for the next 30 days, you will lose weight, have more energy, sleep like a baby, feel less bloated, less inflammed, etc. I have been living this way for many years and I feel like a vibrant 20 year old. I am never tired during the day, am happy, love what I do, have enough energy to exercise (1 to 2 hours a day, 5 to 6 times a week) and get a deep 7 1/2 – 8 hrs. sleep virtually every night. YOU can have this too!
Here we go: NO SUGAR (Including fruit except for an organic apple or berries just after a meal)
NO STARCHES (Including gluten [breads, pasta, soy], rice, corn, potatoes, yams, squash)
NO ALCOHOL (Sorry wine lovers)
All of these 3 things convert to sugar. Sugar in this form is your enemy. Don’t worry, your body will convert protein, complex carbohydrates and fats into glucose (sugar) for fuel. You will not be glucose depleted. Your energy will be sustained at a constant level throughout the day. Forget those afternoon naps or needing to pump yourself up with energy bars or drinks. You won’t need those anymore.
It’s so simply yet people tell themselves that they CAN’T do it. You’d be surprised. It’s a conscious choice. Look at it this way ….. if it doesn’t work for you after 30 days then go back to your old habits. However, if you do like the results, you will make it a way of life. That’s what happend to me.
By The Way – I do see a Naturopath in the San Diego area named David J. Getoff (www.naturopath4you.com / 619-441-8700). I see him every 3 months for the past 10 years and pay him to keep me healthy. Not only does he have a private practice but also lectures MD’s and PhD’s on nutrition and supplements and teaches at the Price Pottenger Nutrition Foundation in Lemon Grove. [This is a great place to learn about nutrition, supplements, bodycare & household products, etc. and the cost is minimal. Check out www.PPNF.org for upcoming classes. There is so much good information that I keep retaking the 6-week course. Maybe I will see you there!]
On David’s website there is a 30-day “Diet” – http://www.naturopath4you.com/21DayDiet.htm that goes into more detail. I practice this on a daily basis and have been for the past 8 years. I think you will find that you will never want to go back to your old eating habits again because IT FEELS SO GOOD TO BE HEALTHY!